Mobile App Relaunch FAQs
No, you can simply use your existing username and password to access the updated mobile app.
Your existing app will not update automatically.
Yes, you will need to download the updated mobile app named Delta Dental Mobile App.
No, the existing mobile app will not work after 12/19/2021.
To create a better user experience, the new Delta Dental Mobile App is built on an updated technology platform that is faster and more modernized.
- Member ID
- Dentist finder
- Cost estimator
- Account management functions
You will be able to use the same username and password to access the new mobile app.
All information, including your saved dependent information and preferred dentists, will be transferred over to the new mobile app.
You will continue to have access to member ID, dentist finder and cost estimator.
Existing saved dentists and dependents will be transferred over to the new app.
Yes, the application uses industry best practices for securing your data.